For Authors
1. «Philosophy of Education» is an official journal established by the Re-search Institute of Philosophy of Education at the Novosibirsk State Peda-gogical University and the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which publishes: a) not previously published scien-tific articles containing important research results in the fields of philoso-phy, methodology, epistemology, axiology, praxeology, theory of education, which are connected with the fundamental problems of philosophy of edu-cation; b) previously published works and archival materials on the phi-losophy, methodology, sociology, cultural studies in education (upbring-ing), containing original and relevant for the development of the modern theory of education (upbringing) ideas, little known or unknown to the broad readership; c) reviews of the works on the theory and practice of education, which are published in other sources; d) announcements about scientific conferences, symposia and congresses; e) brief scientific reports, notes and letters.
2. The journal is included in the list of the leading reviewed scientific editions and journals, published in the Russian Federation, where the basic scientific results of the Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science disserta-tions should be published.
3. The materials, submitted to the journal, are evaluated by the mem-bers of the Expert Council. During the examination of the article, a special attention is paid to assessing its relevance and the depth of revealing the topic. The content of the article should be checked by the author in terms of absence of grammatical, stylistic and other errors and be formatted according to the scientific style standard.
4. The materials should be carefully prepared for publication:
4.1. In the heading of the article its title should be specified (in capi-tal letters). On the next line, there should be the name and the last name (initials) of the author(s), the city (in parenthesis). The articles should be written in Russian or in English. The title should reflect the content of the article and match the overall theme of the journal. The article should be classified, it should have UDC.
4.2. The article should be complemented with: а) an abstract in Rus-sian and English (no less than 300 words, the purpose of the article and the basic idea of the work should be clearly stated); b) a list of key-words (at least 10) in Russian and English.
Formatting rules for authors…
4.3. The text of the article should contain an introduction (relevance, problem situation, research methodology), the main part correspond-ing to the subject area of the journal and a conclusion identifying the research results of the author (authors). The paper should be prepared according to the international scientific style.
4.4. The references (cited literature) should be numbered consecu-tively throughout the article, written in square brackets, placed after the quote from the appropriate source and put as a separate list at the end of the article, ordered according to the appearance in the text. The Russian footnote is given in Russian, then its translation into English is put. The English footnote is given in the list of references in English, and then its translation into Russian is put. The Russian and English versions of the footnote in the reference list are separated by a space, a skew line and a space again.
4.5. Besides the cited literature, there should be given separately (in the end) the list of bibliography, on which the author(s) relied in the preparation of articles for publication. The bibliography list (the number of sources being 20-30) is presented alphabetically without numbering. The bibliography, as well as the cited literature, should be drawn up strictly according to the GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (Russian State Standard) and should use a single format; it is presented in Russian/English and Eng-lish/Russian versions in the same fashion as the cited literature.
4.6. At the end of the article, there should be given information about the author(s): the full name of the place of work, position, aca-demic degree and title, mailing address (home, work), telephone num-ber (office, home, cell) and e-mail. The translation must be an exact copy of the original. The material must be signed by the author (s), and the date should be indicated.
5. No fee for the article publication is charged from the full-time post-graduate students.
6. The articles are accepted with the detailed review of the supervisor (scientific advisor) or the organization; the review should be certified by a seal. The articles sent by e-mail should also be reviewed (the originals of the reviews should be sent by mail to the editors’ address).
7. All articles that are not relevant to the subject area of the journal, not drawn up according to the rules, without annotation, with incorrectly designed list of references, are rejected without a review. The materials, not accepted for publication, will not be returned. The proofread articles
Formatting rules for authors…will not be sent to the authors. No honorarium will be paid for the pub-lished articles, reports, presentations and reviews.
8. The articles are registered by the editors. The date of receiving the final text by the editors is considered as the date of submission. In our publishing activity we rely upon regulations of the Chapter 70 «Author's Right» of the Russian Federation Civil Code.
Responsibilities of authors submitting a manuscript to the «Philosophy of Education» journal
The authors are required to respond to the reviewers’ comments and make the changes based on their criticism. In the cases of dispute, they may address the editorial body of the journal and express their concrete objections or withdraw the article. The team of authors should include only those persons who have made a significant contribution to the re-search results presented in the paper. The main content of the article should not be published in other journals. The authors should follow the instructions for authors and the rules of citation. The authors must sign a statement that all the data in their paper are real and genuine.
Responsibilities of editorial body
The editorial body is responsible for the content of the journal and the quality of the published articles.
The editors maintain objectivity with all submitted articles, that is, they are required to avoid conflicts of interest in relation to the articles that they reject/accept, and they must respect the basic criteria of the article selection:
– the professional level and relevance of the article;
– the correspondence of the topic of the article to the professional focus of the journal.
The editors are required to ensure anonymity of the reviewers and the authors during the review process. In collaboration with the edito-rial body, the editors respond to the possible appeals of the authors concerning the reviewers' comments and to other complaints. The edi-torial body has complete responsibility and authority to accept/reject the article.
Responsibilities of reviewers
The reviewer should be objective in his/her evaluation. The review-er must not misuse the information provided in the article under con-
Formatting rules for authors…sideration for the personal or other gains. The reviewer may decline a task of the article evaluation for the reasons of competing profession-al interests:
– professional or personal gains from accepting/rejecting the article;
– a fundamental difference of opinion on the main subject of the article;
– close professional or personal relationship with the author or any member of the team of authors. If the reviewer has not refused to eval-uate the article for the reasons stated above, the editorial body assumes by default that there exists no conflict of interests. The reviewer should point out the relevant published works that are not yet quoted by the author.
Responsibilities of Editorial Board
The Editorial Board is constantly making efforts to improve the pro-fessional and formal quality of the journal, supports the freedom of speech, and, in accordance with the generally accepted standards of ethics, is always ready to publish a correction, retraction and apology by prior arrangement. The Editorial Board publishes instructions concern-ing the entire editorial work (instructions for authors, guides for the re-view process and guides for the reviewers, and so on). The Editorial Board guarantees the compliance with the above rules.
Vilyuiskaya 28, room 329 of the main building, Novosibirsk, 630126 Russia.
Mailing address: Vilyuiskaya 28, P.O. Box 60, Novosibirsk, 630126 Russia.
Telephone (fax): (383) 244-16-71
The full Russian version of the journal is presented at